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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Molly and Maggie .

I am posting an odd assortment of pictures from our weekend at Sara's. We got there early on Saturday as she had planned a "girl's morning out". My niece Lauren was in town for a friend's wedding and was staying at Sara's . So, we went out for breakfast, pedicures and shopping. I do not get to see Lauren that often, so it was a special treat. Unfortunately, the only pictures that turned out were of our 'beautiful' feet. But, don't they look good????? Can you guess what the picture on the left is??????????? When we pulled into Sara's driveway, this is what the view was from our side of the fence. Her cat Hailey was in the back yard and her tail was hanging out of the fence on the street side. It was funny to see. Hailey is about 12 years old and weighs 18 lbs.
So, she is not a small cat. In fact, Sara's neighbor told her the other day that he thought he had seen a racoon in in back yard......hmmmmm...only the fat cat!


Miss Gracie's House said...

Sounds like fun!
Did you get my email about painting?

Natasha Burns said...

So sorry it took me almost a week to come back to you! Thank you so much for your wonderful supportive comments on my blog and for your insight. You are so right about weight loss being a thing for life and not just a fad diet. You sound just like my weight watchers leader who incidentally has become a very good friend of mine. I even helped out welcoming at the last two meetings!!!
Thank you so much!!! : )

Rue said...

Hi there :)

I just wanted to pop in and see what you were up to. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
