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Sunday, June 15, 2008

SALE DAY - June 2008

It finally arrived and is now just a memory......the paper roSe summer sale!!!! I deem it a success!!! In spite of the rain on Friday, we were busy from the time we opened the doors at 4 until we closed at 7. Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day, and we were steady from 10 until 5. I met so many lovely people that were traveling through town and had seen the sign, and just stopped in to check things out. THANK YOU to everyone that came. I am so thankful for the support. A special thank you to Myra for baking and decorating a zillion mini cupcakes and a BIG BIG thank you to my sweet daughter, Sara, who took time off from work to drive down and help me. Also, to my hubby, Rich who was working behind the scene,taking pictures, keeping the food supply going, etc. I am also including pictures of my new "grand-baby"..Molly. Sara adopted a rescue puppy. We are all in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is too, too adorable!!!! We hate to see her leave. Her and Maggie look like sisters. What a pair they make.


Rue said...

Hi Brenda :)

No word on the farmhouse yet...

I'm glad you had a great sale :)

I get the "mommy you're so weird" comment too LOL



Hi Brenda,
I just found your blog, via Miss Gracies,so I thought I'd come over and visit. Look at all those treasures, wish I could have been there for that sale! I've always wanted to do the same thing as you, how often do you have your sales? Great job everything looks so pretty.

candy said...

I just found your blog......LOVE it!! I just added you to my bloglines so that I never miss a post!
Hugs from Canada
Candy :)

Anonymous said...

That is a sale I would have loved to have come to. Glad it was such a success, that makes it all worthwhile.


Jill said...

Found your blog through Rue's. What a beautiful shop you have. I will have to come back for another visit.

Carolyn said...

I just stopped in for a visit and wanted to say hi and nice blog!
